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Blog - page 39

All our tooling has been updated and can now generate Quarkus application with example code (Extension Codestarts) showing the true power of the selected extensions...

Quarkus 1.10 has been released. JSON is now the default content type for your REST resources, multiple reactive datasources are supported and we added several registries to our Micrometer extension.

How to send and receive Cloud Events with Quarkus, Kafka and Reactive Messaging

Swagger UI configuration and custom styling

Discover the Mutiny variant of the Vert.x API

Peeking at the streams

How to observe events without touching the streams.

1.9.2.Final fixes issues and comes with documentation improvements.

Kafka - When to commit?

Offset commiting strategies in the Kafka connector

Running a Quarkus native app inside a container on a Raspberry Pi