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Quarkus Insights #3: Hibernate with Panache

Monday we did Quarkus Insights episode #3: Hibernate Panache with Stéphane through what Panache is, why it is awesome and how you get the most out of it.

Podcast feed

If you prefer to listen to these in podcast format they are now available from Apple Podcasts and should shouw up in Spotify podcasts shortly too.

Next Episode(s)

On Monday May 25th 05:00 EST / 11:00 CEST / 14:30 IST we will do Quarkus Insights #4: JHipster with Quarkus with Daniel Petisme.

He will come and talk about how he utilized JHipster to build a blueprint for Quarkus to scaffold full applications.

On Tuesday June 2nd at 09:00 EST / 15:00 CET / 18:30 IT its Quarkus Insights #5:

Dmitry Chaban to talk about his work and his Quarkus efforts on

Do add questions to the youtube video already or show up on the live show and ask away - we will cover as much as we can!

To join current live show or see the next one scheduled bookmark this link: