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Posts by Clement Escoffier

Posts by Clement Escoffier

Do reactive stuff @ Red Hat


How to build a RAG chatbot using the Granite LLM.

Learn how to containerized applications using virtual threads.

Learn about the new quarkus-langchain4j extension to integrate LLMs in Quarkus applications.

Learn about the CVE-2023-44487, a security vulnerability affecting HTTP/2 servers, and the solution implemented in Quarkus

Learn how to compile applications using virtual threads into native executable.

Learn about the virtual threads integration in Quarkus messaging (Kafka, AMQP, Pulsar...).

How to detect pinning while running tests.

Describe how you can implement a CRUD / RESTFul application using virtual threads and Quarkus.

What do virtual threads change when building concurrent applications with Quarkus.

Redis Job Queue - Reloaded

How to implement a more reliable job queue with Redis, including fault tolerance, de-duplication, and poison pill.